Numismatic and Relative Rarity by Series

Relative Rarity By Series compares the Numismatic Rarity of all the coins of a particular class and assigns a ranking based on that comparison. For example, 1/49 indicates that this coin is the rarest of its class of 49 members; 12/68 means that this coin is the 12th rarest out of 68; and 14/14 means that this coin is the most common of its class.

Explanation of the PCGS CoinFacts Rarity Scale

  Num. Rarity Rel. Rarity
PCGS # Description Mintage All 60+ 65+ All 60+ 65+
6051 1794 50C 23464 4.9 9.7 10.1 5 5 1
6052 1795 50C 299680 4.3 8.8 9.8 6 6 6
39252 1795 50C A over E 299680 6 10.1 10.1 4 1 1
6054 1795 50C Small Head 299680 6.2 10 10.1 2 3 1
6055 1795/1795 50C Recut Date, 2 Leaves 299680 8 10.1 10.1 1 1 1
6053 1795/1795 50C Recut Date, 3 Leaves 299680 6.2 9.9 10.1 2 4 1
PCGS # Description Mintage All 60+ 65+ All 60+ 65+
  Num. Rarity Rel. Rarity