Price Changes: Platinum Eagles (1997 to Date),

Last Update: 12-06 08:59 AM EST
Platinum $6,786.18 (▼-51.47) as of 12-06 09:48 AM EST

Prices in CNY (1 USD = 7.27 CNY) Change

Important: The PCGS Price Guide prices apply only to PCGS-graded coins.

Yesterday Top 10 Losers Total of 825 Losers See All Yesterday Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Loss % Change
146928 2007 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 63 9,188 9,284 -96 -1.03%
21107 2004 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 65 9,188 9,284 -96 -1.03%
123 Platinum Eagle $100 Platinum Eagle MS 63 9,188 9,284 -96 -1.03%
149577 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 60 5,105 5,158 -53 -1.03%
21106 2004 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 65 4,935 4,986 -51 -1.03%
121 Platinum Eagle $50 Platinum Eagle MS 60 4,935 4,986 -51 -1.03%
146924 2007 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 62 2,467 2,493 -26 -1.03%
21105 2004 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 66 2,467 2,493 -26 -1.03%
21101 2003 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 61 2,467 2,493 -26 -1.03%
120 Platinum Eagle $25 Platinum Eagle MS 60 2,467 2,493 -26 -1.03%
1 Week Top 10 Losers Total of 825 Losers See All 1 Week Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
1 Week ago
Loss % Change
146928 2007 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 64 9,188 9,254 -66 -0.71%
21107 2004 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 63 9,188 9,254 -66 -0.71%
123 Platinum Eagle $100 Platinum Eagle MS 63 9,188 9,254 -66 -0.71%
149577 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 60 5,105 5,141 -36 -0.71%
21106 2004 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 65 4,935 4,970 -35 -0.71%
121 Platinum Eagle $50 Platinum Eagle MS 60 4,935 4,970 -35 -0.71%
146924 2007 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 62 2,467 2,485 -18 -0.71%
21105 2004 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 65 2,467 2,485 -18 -0.71%
21101 2003 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 61 2,467 2,485 -18 -0.71%
120 Platinum Eagle $25 Platinum Eagle MS 60 2,467 2,485 -18 -0.71%
3 Month Top 10 Gainers Total of 895 Gainers See All 3 Month Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
3 Months ago
Gain % Change
393055 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR PR 70 15,085 8,361 6,724 80.43%
21122 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 5,380 3,744 1,636 43.69%
21126 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 5,198 3,817 1,381 36.19%
150435 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 4,907 3,744 1,163 31.07%
9773 1999 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 69 1,890 1,620 270 16.71%
9795 2002 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 5,089 4,362 727 16.67%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 69 3,231 2,840 391 13.76%
620561 2017 $100 Statue of Liberty First Day of Issue 20th Anniversary - 20th Anniversary MS 70 11,632 10,359 1,273 12.29%
9774 1999 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 69 3,303 2,949 354 12.02%
99773 1999-W $10 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 70 2,545 2,290 255 11.11%
3 Month Top 10 Losers Total of 67 Losers See All 3 Month Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
3 Months ago
Loss % Change
9779 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 7,634 10,905 -3,271 -30%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 4,726 -1,273 -26.92%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 21,810 -5,453 -25%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 5,453 -1,273 -23.33%
21109 2005 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,635 4,544 -909 -20%
9780 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 18,902 23,628 -4,726 -20%
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 18,902 -3,635 -19.23%
99775 1999-W $50 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 70 7,634 9,451 -1,817 -19.23%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 17,812 -3,272 -18.37%
821117 2006 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 4,362 5,271 -909 -17.24%
1 Year Top 10 Gainers Total of 835 Gainers See All 1 Year Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
1 Year ago
Gain % Change
9782 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 272,625 138,130 134,495 97.37%
393055 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR PR 70 15,085 8,361 6,724 80.43%
9775 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 145,400 98,145 47,255 48.15%
892129 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag MS 70 418,025 283,530 134,495 47.44%
21122 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 5,380 3,744 1,636 43.69%
21126 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 5,198 3,817 1,381 36.19%
821108 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 2,472 1,818 654 36%
150435 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 4,907 3,744 1,163 31.07%
21104 2004 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 68 1,377 1,112 265 23.87%
21100 2003 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 68 1,377 1,112 265 23.87%
1 Year Top 10 Losers Total of 113 Losers See All 1 Year Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
1 Year ago
Loss % Change
921112 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM PR DCAM 70 5,816 10,542 -4,726 -44.83%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 7,270 -3,090 -42.5%
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 25,445 -10,178 -40%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 22,901 -8,361 -36.51%
21102 2003 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 69 5,371 8,361 -2,990 -35.76%
9780 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 18,902 27,990 -9,088 -32.47%
9779 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 7,634 10,905 -3,271 -30%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 4,726 -1,273 -26.92%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 21,810 -5,453 -25%
21103 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 51,981 65,430 -13,449 -20.56%
2 Year Top 10 Gainers Total of 217 Gainers See All 2 Year Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
2 Years ago
Gain % Change
9782 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 272,625 138,130 134,495 97.37%
393055 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR PR 70 15,085 8,361 6,724 80.43%
21127 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 67 9,633 5,525 4,108 74.34%
21122 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 5,380 3,417 1,963 57.45%
21126 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 5,198 3,344 1,854 55.43%
9775 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 145,400 98,145 47,255 48.15%
892129 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag MS 70 418,025 283,530 134,495 47.44%
21123 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 9,451 6,907 2,544 36.84%
821108 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 2,472 1,818 654 36%
150435 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 4,907 3,744 1,163 31.07%
2 Year Top 10 Losers Total of 843 Losers See All 2 Year Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
2 Years ago
Loss % Change
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 36,350 -21,083 -58%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 36,350 -19,993 -55%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 29,080 -14,540 -50%
921112 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM PR DCAM 70 5,816 10,542 -4,726 -44.83%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 7,270 -3,090 -42.5%
9780 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 18,902 30,898 -11,996 -38.82%
21103 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 51,981 83,605 -31,624 -37.83%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 5,453 -2,000 -36.67%
21102 2003 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 69 5,371 8,361 -2,990 -35.76%
9779 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 7,634 11,632 -3,998 -34.38%
3 Year Top 10 Gainers Total of 282 Gainers See All 3 Year Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
3 Years ago
Gain % Change
9782 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 272,625 138,130 134,495 97.37%
21127 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 9,815 5,234 4,581 87.5%
393055 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR PR 70 15,085 8,361 6,724 80.43%
21122 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 5,380 3,417 1,963 57.45%
21126 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 5,198 3,344 1,854 55.43%
21123 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 68 9,451 6,180 3,271 52.94%
9775 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 145,400 98,145 47,255 48.15%
892129 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag MS 70 418,025 283,530 134,495 47.44%
21125 2006-W $10 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 70 5,816 3,998 1,818 45.45%
821108 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 2,472 1,818 654 36%
3 Year Top 10 Losers Total of 823 Losers See All 3 Year Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
3 Years ago
Loss % Change
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 36,350 -21,083 -58%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 36,350 -19,993 -55%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 29,080 -14,540 -50%
921112 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM PR DCAM 70 5,816 10,542 -4,726 -44.83%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 7,270 -3,090 -42.5%
99776 1999-W $100 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 70 17,812 30,898 -13,086 -42.35%
21103 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 51,981 87,240 -35,259 -40.42%
9780 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 18,902 30,898 -11,996 -38.82%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 5,453 -2,000 -36.67%
9765 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 69,065 109,050 -39,985 -36.67%
5 Year Top 10 Gainers Total of 987 Gainers See All 5 Year Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
5 Years ago
Gain % Change
9765 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 69,065 29,080 39,985 137.5%
393085 2008-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 70 54,525 24,355 30,170 123.88%
9782 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 272,625 138,130 134,495 97.37%
393081 2008-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 70 18,175 9,451 8,724 92.31%
21127 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 69 10,905 5,816 5,089 87.5%
393055 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR PR 70 15,085 8,361 6,724 80.43%
149576 2007-W $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM PR DCAM 70 9,815 5,453 4,362 80%
9789 2001 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 254,450 145,400 109,050 75%
21124 2006-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 70 25,445 15,267 10,178 66.67%
9768 1998 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 181,750 109,050 72,700 66.67%
5 Year Top 10 Losers Total of 138 Losers See All 5 Year Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
5 Years ago
Loss % Change
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 36,350 -21,083 -58%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 36,350 -19,993 -55%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 29,080 -14,540 -50%
921112 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM PR DCAM 70 5,816 10,542 -4,726 -44.83%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 7,270 -3,090 -42.5%
99776 1999-W $100 Statue of Liberty, DCAM PR DCAM 70 17,812 30,898 -13,086 -42.35%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 5,816 -2,363 -40.63%
21103 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 51,981 87,240 -35,259 -40.42%
9780 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 18,902 30,898 -11,996 -38.82%
21109 2005 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,635 5,453 -1,818 -33.33%
10 Year Top 10 Gainers Total of 550 Gainers See All 10 Year Gainers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
10 Years ago
Gain % Change
525879 2013-W $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike Mercanti Signature, DCAM PR DCAM 69 36,350 12,723 23,627 185.71%
99751 1997 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 265,355 101,780 163,575 160.71%
9765 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 69,065 29,080 39,985 137.5%
393085 2008-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 70 54,525 23,991 30,534 127.27%
393081 2008-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike SP 70 18,175 9,451 8,724 92.31%
21127 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 69 10,905 5,711 5,194 90.96%
150435 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty SP 68 4,907 2,632 2,275 86.45%
9775 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 145,400 79,970 65,430 81.82%
9768 1998 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 181,750 101,780 79,970 78.57%
527048 2014 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike Mercanti Signature MS 69 21,810 13,086 8,724 66.67%
10 Year Top 10 Losers Total of 774 Losers See All 10 Year Losers
Prices in Chinese Yuan
PCGS # Description Desig Grade Today's
Price as of
10 Years ago
Loss % Change
9779 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 7,634 34,533 -26,899 -77.89%
99754 1997 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 12,359 49,073 -36,714 -74.81%
9787 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty MS 70 14,540 43,620 -29,080 -66.67%
21110 2005 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 6,361 18,175 -11,814 -65%
99752 1997 $50 Statue of Liberty MS 70 38,168 109,050 -70,882 -65%
9786 2001 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 4,544 12,723 -8,179 -64.29%
9794 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty MS 70 3,453 9,088 -5,635 -62%
821111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 15,267 36,350 -21,083 -58%
393107 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike MS 70 4,180 9,451 -5,271 -55.77%
21111 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty MS 70 16,357 36,350 -19,993 -55%