Important: The PCGS Price Guide prices apply only to PCGS-graded coins.
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Yesterday's Price |
Loss | % Change |
146928 | 2007 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 63 | 979 | 986 | -7 | -0.66% |
21103 | 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 63 | 979 | 986 | -7 | -0.66% |
123 | Platinum Eagle $100 Platinum Eagle | MS | 65 | 979 | 986 | -7 | -0.66% |
21106 | 2004 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 68 | 530 | 533 | -3 | -0.66% |
21102 | 2003 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 62 | 530 | 533 | -3 | -0.66% |
121 | Platinum Eagle $50 Platinum Eagle | MS | 62 | 526 | 529 | -3 | -0.66% |
146924 | 2007 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 62 | 263 | 265 | -2 | -0.66% |
21105 | 2004 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 65 | 263 | 265 | -2 | -0.66% |
21101 | 2003 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 61 | 263 | 265 | -2 | -0.66% |
120 | Platinum Eagle $25 Platinum Eagle | MS | 61 | 263 | 265 | -2 | -0.66% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 1 Week ago |
Loss | % Change |
146928 | 2007 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 64 | 979 | 997 | -18 | -1.75% |
21107 | 2004 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 65 | 979 | 997 | -18 | -1.75% |
123 | Platinum Eagle $100 Platinum Eagle | MS | 65 | 979 | 997 | -18 | -1.75% |
149577 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty, DCAM | PR DCAM | 61 | 544 | 554 | -10 | -1.75% |
21106 | 2004 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 65 | 526 | 535 | -9 | -1.75% |
121 | Platinum Eagle $50 Platinum Eagle | MS | 62 | 526 | 535 | -9 | -1.75% |
146924 | 2007 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 62 | 263 | 268 | -5 | -1.75% |
21105 | 2004 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 65 | 263 | 268 | -5 | -1.75% |
21101 | 2003 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 61 | 263 | 268 | -5 | -1.75% |
120 | Platinum Eagle $25 Platinum Eagle | MS | 61 | 263 | 268 | -5 | -1.75% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 3 Months ago |
Gain | % Change |
393055 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR | PR | 70 | 1,619 | 897 | 722 | 80.43% |
21122 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 577 | 402 | 175 | 43.69% |
21126 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 558 | 410 | 148 | 36.19% |
150435 | 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 527 | 402 | 125 | 31.07% |
9773 | 1999 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 69 | 203 | 174 | 29 | 16.71% |
9795 | 2002 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 546 | 468 | 78 | 16.67% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 69 | 345 | 305 | 40 | 13.19% |
620561 | 2017 $100 Statue of Liberty First Day of Issue 20th Anniversary - 20th Anniversary | MS | 70 | 1,248 | 1,111 | 137 | 12.29% |
9774 | 1999 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 69 | 353 | 316 | 37 | 11.47% |
99773 | 1999-W $10 Statue of Liberty, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 273 | 246 | 27 | 11.11% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 3 Months ago |
Loss | % Change |
9779 | 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 819 | 1,170 | -351 | -30% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 507 | -136 | -26.92% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 2,340 | -585 | -25% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 585 | -136 | -23.33% |
21109 | 2005 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 390 | 488 | -98 | -20% |
9780 | 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 2,028 | 2,535 | -507 | -20% |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 2,028 | -390 | -19.23% |
99775 | 1999-W $50 Statue of Liberty, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 819 | 1,014 | -195 | -19.23% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 1,911 | -351 | -18.37% |
821117 | 2006 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 468 | 566 | -98 | -17.24% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 1 Year ago |
Gain | % Change |
9782 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 29,250 | 14,820 | 14,430 | 97.37% |
393055 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR | PR | 70 | 1,619 | 897 | 722 | 80.43% |
9775 | 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 15,600 | 10,530 | 5,070 | 48.15% |
892129 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag | MS | 70 | 44,850 | 30,420 | 14,430 | 47.44% |
21122 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 577 | 402 | 175 | 43.69% |
21126 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 558 | 410 | 148 | 36.19% |
821108 | 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 265 | 195 | 70 | 36% |
150435 | 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 527 | 402 | 125 | 31.07% |
21104 | 2004 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 68 | 147 | 119 | 28 | 23.2% |
21100 | 2003 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 68 | 147 | 119 | 28 | 23.2% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 1 Year ago |
Loss | % Change |
921112 | 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 624 | 1,131 | -507 | -44.83% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 780 | -331 | -42.5% |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 2,730 | -1,092 | -40% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 2,457 | -897 | -36.51% |
21102 | 2003 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 69 | 573 | 897 | -324 | -36.15% |
9780 | 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 2,028 | 3,003 | -975 | -32.47% |
9779 | 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 819 | 1,170 | -351 | -30% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 507 | -136 | -26.92% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 2,340 | -585 | -25% |
21103 | 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 5,577 | 7,020 | -1,443 | -20.56% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 2 Years ago |
Gain | % Change |
9782 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 29,250 | 14,820 | 14,430 | 97.37% |
393055 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR | PR | 70 | 1,619 | 897 | 722 | 80.43% |
21127 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 67 | 1,034 | 593 | 441 | 74.34% |
21122 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 577 | 367 | 210 | 57.45% |
21126 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 558 | 359 | 199 | 55.43% |
9775 | 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 15,600 | 10,530 | 5,070 | 48.15% |
892129 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag | MS | 70 | 44,850 | 30,420 | 14,430 | 47.44% |
21123 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 1,014 | 741 | 273 | 36.84% |
821108 | 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 265 | 195 | 70 | 36% |
150435 | 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 527 | 402 | 125 | 31.07% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 2 Years ago |
Loss | % Change |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 3,900 | -2,262 | -58% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 3,900 | -2,145 | -55% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 3,120 | -1,560 | -50% |
921112 | 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 624 | 1,131 | -507 | -44.83% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 780 | -331 | -42.5% |
9780 | 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 2,028 | 3,315 | -1,287 | -38.82% |
21103 | 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 5,577 | 8,970 | -3,393 | -37.83% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 585 | -214 | -36.67% |
21102 | 2003 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 69 | 573 | 897 | -324 | -36.15% |
9779 | 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 819 | 1,248 | -429 | -34.38% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 3 Years ago |
Gain | % Change |
9782 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 29,250 | 14,820 | 14,430 | 97.37% |
21127 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 1,053 | 562 | 491 | 87.5% |
393055 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR | PR | 70 | 1,619 | 897 | 722 | 80.43% |
21122 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 577 | 367 | 210 | 57.45% |
21126 | 2006-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 558 | 359 | 199 | 55.43% |
21123 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 68 | 1,014 | 663 | 351 | 52.94% |
9775 | 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 15,600 | 10,530 | 5,070 | 48.15% |
892129 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Flag | MS | 70 | 44,850 | 30,420 | 14,430 | 47.44% |
21125 | 2006-W $10 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 70 | 624 | 429 | 195 | 45.45% |
821108 | 2005 $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 265 | 195 | 70 | 36% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 3 Years ago |
Loss | % Change |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 3,900 | -2,262 | -58% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 3,900 | -2,145 | -55% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 3,120 | -1,560 | -50% |
921112 | 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 624 | 1,131 | -507 | -44.83% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 780 | -331 | -42.5% |
99776 | 1999-W $100 Statue of Liberty, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 1,911 | 3,315 | -1,404 | -42.35% |
21103 | 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 5,577 | 9,360 | -3,783 | -40.42% |
9780 | 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 2,028 | 3,315 | -1,287 | -38.82% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 585 | -214 | -36.67% |
9765 | 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 7,410 | 11,700 | -4,290 | -36.67% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 5 Years ago |
Gain | % Change |
9765 | 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 7,410 | 3,120 | 4,290 | 137.5% |
393085 | 2008-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 70 | 5,850 | 2,613 | 3,237 | 123.88% |
9782 | 2000 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 29,250 | 14,820 | 14,430 | 97.37% |
393081 | 2008-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 70 | 1,950 | 1,014 | 936 | 92.31% |
21127 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 1,053 | 562 | 491 | 87.5% |
393055 | 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Ann Set Rev PR | PR | 70 | 1,619 | 897 | 722 | 80.43% |
149576 | 2007-W $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 1,053 | 585 | 468 | 80% |
9789 | 2001 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 27,300 | 15,600 | 11,700 | 75% |
21124 | 2006-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 70 | 2,730 | 1,638 | 1,092 | 66.67% |
9768 | 1998 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 19,500 | 11,700 | 7,800 | 66.67% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 5 Years ago |
Loss | % Change |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 3,900 | -2,262 | -58% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 3,900 | -2,145 | -55% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 3,120 | -1,560 | -50% |
921112 | 2006-W $10 Statue of Liberty First Strike, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 624 | 1,131 | -507 | -44.83% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 780 | -331 | -42.5% |
99776 | 1999-W $100 Statue of Liberty, DCAM | PR DCAM | 70 | 1,911 | 3,315 | -1,404 | -42.35% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 624 | -253 | -40.63% |
21103 | 2003 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 5,577 | 9,360 | -3,783 | -40.42% |
9780 | 2000 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 2,028 | 3,315 | -1,287 | -38.82% |
21109 | 2005 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 390 | 585 | -195 | -33.33% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 10 Years ago |
Gain | % Change |
525879 | 2013-W $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike Mercanti Signature, DCAM | PR DCAM | 69 | 3,900 | 1,365 | 2,535 | 185.71% |
99751 | 1997 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 28,470 | 10,920 | 17,550 | 160.71% |
9765 | 1998 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 7,410 | 3,120 | 4,290 | 137.5% |
393085 | 2008-W $100 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 70 | 5,850 | 2,574 | 3,276 | 127.27% |
393081 | 2008-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty First Strike | SP | 70 | 1,950 | 1,014 | 936 | 92.31% |
21127 | 2006-W $50 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 69 | 1,170 | 613 | 557 | 90.96% |
150435 | 2007-W $25 Burnished St. of Liberty | SP | 68 | 527 | 282 | 245 | 86.45% |
9775 | 1999 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 15,600 | 8,580 | 7,020 | 81.82% |
9768 | 1998 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 19,500 | 10,920 | 8,580 | 78.57% |
527048 | 2014 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike Mercanti Signature | MS | 69 | 2,340 | 1,404 | 936 | 66.67% |
PCGS # | Description | Desig | Grade | Today's Price |
Price as of 10 Years ago |
Loss | % Change |
9779 | 2000 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 819 | 3,705 | -2,886 | -77.89% |
99754 | 1997 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,326 | 5,265 | -3,939 | -74.81% |
9787 | 2001 $25 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,560 | 4,680 | -3,120 | -66.67% |
21110 | 2005 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 683 | 1,950 | -1,267 | -65% |
99752 | 1997 $50 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 4,095 | 11,700 | -7,605 | -65% |
9786 | 2001 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 488 | 1,365 | -877 | -64.29% |
9794 | 2002 $10 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 371 | 975 | -604 | -62% |
821111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 1,638 | 3,900 | -2,262 | -58% |
393107 | 2008 $25 Statue of Liberty First Strike | MS | 70 | 449 | 1,014 | -565 | -55.77% |
21111 | 2005 $100 Statue of Liberty | MS | 70 | 1,755 | 3,900 | -2,145 | -55% |