Number of Coins Graded in the Last 30 Days

Total Coins Graded* 274,367
Plus(+) Grades 2,604
CODE 90 - Counterfeit 1,763
CODE 91 - Questionable Color 871
CODE 92 - Cleaning 12,367
CODE 93 - Planchet Flaw 60
CODE 94 - Altered Surfaces 3,878
CODE 95 - Scratch 867
CODE 96 - Refund. No Service 3,905
CODE 97 - Environmental Damage 3,664
CODE 98 - Damage 1,763
Total Coins Graded*
Plus (+) Grades
CODE 90 - Counterfeit
CODE 91 - Questionable Color
CODE 92 - Cleaning
CODE 93 - Planchet Flaw
CODE 94 - Altered Surfaces
CODE 95 - Scratch
CODE 96 - Refund. No Service
CODE 97 - Environmental Damage
CODE 98 - Damage

Crossovers in the Last 30 Days

Success Rate

Estimated Submission Turnaround Time

Service Estimated Turnaround Time
Express business days
Regular business days
Economy business days
Modern business days
Modern Value business days
Service Estimated Turnaround Time
Express business days
Regular business days
Economy business days
Modern business days
Modern Value business days
Service Estimated Turnaround Time
Express business days
Regular business days
Value business days
Economy business days
Modern business days

The turnaround times stated above are the previous week’s average for each service level indicated. These times are estimated, as turnaround times always vary. Certain tokens and medals may require additional research, and turnaround times can fluctuate based on the amount of research required. Additional services such as Oversized Holders, GSA Holders, and Variety Attribution could add an additional 5-10 business days to any Service Level turnaround time. Times listed are in business days. Turnaround times may fluctuate based on many factors. PCGS counts business days starting the day after the order is entered into the PCGS system and does not include the time it takes to open incoming packages to PCGS or to ship orders once they are completed.

* While we believe that units graded can be one of a number of useful measures of our performance, increases or decreases in the number of units graded may not correlate proportionately to increases or decreases in revenues. Revenues also are affected by the mix of units processed, the mix of services (in terms of 'turn-around times') and average service fees per unit, between coins and sports cards.