The Survival Estimate represents an average of one or more experts' opinions as to how many examples survive of a particular coin in three categories: 1) all grades, 2) 60 or better, and 3) 65 or better. These estimates are based on a variety of sources, including population reports, auction appearances, and personal knowledge. Survival estimates include coins that are raw, certified by PCGS, and certified by other grading services.
Numismatic Rarity
Numismatic Rarity converts the Survival Estimate for a particular coin into a number from 1 to 10 (with decimal increments) based on the PCGS Rarity Scale. The higher the number, the more rare the coin.
Relative Rarity By Type
Relative Rarity By Type ranks the rarity of this coin with all other coins of this Type. Lower numbers indicate rarer coins.
Relative Rarity By Series
Relative Rarity By Series ranks the rarity of this coin with all other coins of this Series. Lower numbers indicate rarer coins.
Robert Faust, sold privately on 4/28/1963 for $150 - John Jay Pittman Collection - David Akers 10/1997:995, $46,750
MS64 PCGS grade
Stack's/Bowers 11/2015:20114, $19,975
MS64 PCGS grade
MS64 PCGS grade
MS64 estimated grade
MS63 PCGS grade
MS63 PCGS grade
MS63 PCGS grade
MS63 PCGS grade
MS63 PCGS grade
#1 MS65 PCGS grade
Robert Faust, sold privately on 4/28/1963 for $150 - John Jay Pittman Collection - David Akers 10/1997:995, $46,750
#2 MS64 PCGS grade
Stack's/Bowers 11/2015:20114, $19,975
#2 MS64 PCGS grade
#2 MS64 PCGS grade
#2 MS64 estimated grade
#6 MS63 PCGS grade
#6 MS63 PCGS grade
#6 MS63 PCGS grade
#6 MS63 PCGS grade
#6 MS63 PCGS grade
David Akers (1975/88):
The 1851 is more rare than one would naturally expect from the fairly high mintage figure. While not as rare as the 1849 or 1850, it is comparable to the 1848 and more rare than the Philadelphia issues from 1843 to 1847. The date on this and the mintmarked 1851 Half Eagles is huge, taking up the entire space between the bust and the rim. Many specimens have an attractive greenish-gold color as do other gold denominations of this date. Despite its current "common date" status, the 1851 is very difficult to obtain in strictly uncirculated condition.
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