Survival Estimate | |
All Grades | 110,137,200 |
60 or Better | 110,137,200 |
65 or Better | 33,041,160 |
Numismatic Rarity | |
All Grades | R-1.0 |
60 or Better | R-1.0 |
65 or Better | R-1.0 |
Relative Rarity By Type All Specs in this Type | |
All Grades | 8 / 73 TIE |
60 or Better | 8 / 73 TIE |
65 or Better | 8 / 73 TIE |
Relative Rarity By Series All Specs in this Series | |
All Grades | 8 / 73 TIE |
60 or Better | 8 / 73 TIE |
65 or Better | 8 / 73 TIE |
The 1976 Jefferson Nickel is very common since over 300 million were struck. Examples in circulated grades and up to about MS64 condition are common and can be acquired with minimal effort. Because of the weakness in the steps in the reverse, it is difficult to acquire in MS65 with Full Steps and less than 100 examples are known. In MS66 Full Steps it is difficult to find with less than a few dozen examples known. In MS67 Full Steps, it is extremely scarce with less than a handful of examples known and none being in finer condition.