#1 PR69 PCGS grade |
#3 PR69 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
#3 PR68 PCGS grade |
Two varieties are known of the Clad 1976-S Eisenhower Dollar. Type 1 has thicker lettering and the tail of the final S of STATES curves upwards toward the center serif of the E. Type 2 has thinner letters anbd the tail of the final S in STATES is roughly on the same level as the bottom serif of the E. Both types are available in fairly equal quantities which, in this case, means both are common and easy to obtain. Virtually all known examples are Deep Cameo Proofs, though a very small number of Cameos are known. Superb examples seem to be the norm, as most of the examples circulated by PCGS (as of June 2011) grade PR69. The finest example seen to date is a single perfect Proof-70 Deep Cameo certified by PCGS.