Numismatic and Relative Rarity by Series

Relative Rarity By Series compares the Numismatic Rarity of all the coins of a particular class and assigns a ranking based on that comparison. For example, 1/49 indicates that this coin is the rarest of its class of 49 members; 12/68 means that this coin is the 12th rarest out of 68; and 14/14 means that this coin is the most common of its class.

Explanation of the PCGS CoinFacts Rarity Scale

  Num. Rarity Rel. Rarity
PCGS # Description Mintage All 60+ 65+ All 60+ 65+
3664 1851 3CS 5447400 2.7 4.5 6 22 23 22
3665 1851-O 3CS 720000 4.3 6 8 17 14 13
3666 1852 3CS 18663500 2.6 4.4 6 24 24 22
3667 1853 3CS 11400000 2.7 4.8 6.4 22 21 19
3670 1854 3CS 671000 4.2 6 8 18 14 13
3671 1855 3CS 139000 5.5 7 8.9 10 7 5
3672 1856 3CS 1458000 4.6 6.2 8.4 13 12 8
3673 1857 3CS 1042000 4.8 6.2 8.2 12 12 10
3674 1858 3CS 1604000 4 5.5 7 19 18 18
3677 1859 3CS 365000 4.4 6 8.2 15 14 10
3678 1860 3CS 286000 4.6 6 8.2 13 14 10
3679 1861 3CS 497000 3.5 5 6.2 20 19 21
3680 1862 3CS 343000 3 4.6 5.8 21 22 24
3681 1862/1 3CS 343000 4.4 5 6.4 15 19 19
3682 1863 3CS 21000 6 7 8 6 7 13
3684 1864 3CS 12000 6 7 8 6 7 13
3685 1865 3CS 8000 6.2 7.5 8.5 5 6 7
3686 1866 3CS 22000 5.8 7 8.4 9 7 8
3687 1867 3CS 4000 6.4 8.2 9.3 3 3 2
3688 1868 3CS 3500 7 8.4 9.3 2 2 2
3689 1869/'8' 3CS 4500 6.4 8.1 9.1 3 4 4
3691 1870 3CS 3000 6 8 8.7 6 5 6
3692 1871 3CS 3400 5.4 6.6 7.7 11 11 17
3693 1872 3CS 1000 8 8.7 9.5 1 1 1
PCGS # Description Mintage All 60+ 65+ All 60+ 65+
  Num. Rarity Rel. Rarity