The Survival Estimate represents an average of one or more experts' opinions as to how many examples survive of a particular coin in three categories: 1) all grades, 2) 60 or better, and 3) 65 or better. These estimates are based on a variety of sources, including population reports, auction appearances, and personal knowledge. Survival estimates include coins that are raw, certified by PCGS, and certified by other grading services.
Numismatic Rarity
Numismatic Rarity converts the Survival Estimate for a particular coin into a number from 1 to 10 (with decimal increments) based on the PCGS Rarity Scale. The higher the number, the more rare the coin.
Relative Rarity By Type
Relative Rarity By Type ranks the rarity of this coin with all other coins of this Type. Lower numbers indicate rarer coins.
Relative Rarity By Series
Relative Rarity By Series ranks the rarity of this coin with all other coins of this Series. Lower numbers indicate rarer coins.
Jay Brahin Collection, sold privately - Dr. & Mrs. Steven Duckor Collection - Heritage 1/2012:4618, $86,250 - Bob R. Simpson Collection
MS66+ PCGS grade
MS66 PCGS grade
D.L. Hansen Collection
MS66 PCGS grade
Bella Collection (PCGS Set Registry)
MS66 PCGS grade
John Kutasi Collection - Heritage 1/2007:3276, $48,875 - Heritage 1/2008:3374, $51,750 - A & A Saints Collection - Bella Collection
MS66 PCGS grade
Heritage 8/2017:4227, $47,000
MS66 PCGS grade
MS66 PCGS grade
Heritage 7/2008:2097, $74,750
MS66 PCGS grade
MS66 PCGS grade
#1 MS66+ PCGS grade
Jay Brahin Collection, sold privately - Dr. & Mrs. Steven Duckor Collection - Heritage 1/2012:4618, $86,250 - Bob R. Simpson Collection
#1 MS66+ PCGS grade
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
D.L. Hansen Collection
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
Bella Collection (PCGS Set Registry)
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
John Kutasi Collection - Heritage 1/2007:3276, $48,875 - Heritage 1/2008:3374, $51,750 - A & A Saints Collection - Bella Collection
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
Heritage 8/2017:4227, $47,000
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
Heritage 7/2008:2097, $74,750
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
#3 MS66 PCGS grade
David Akers (1975/88):
The 1912 is not quite as rare as the other 1909 to 1915 Philadelphia Mint issues (except for the "common" 1910) but it is still a very scarce issue, one that is especially difficult to find in high grade. Several small hoards were discovered in Europe in the late 1960s and early 1970s (the last I saw was a group of about 40 pieces that came from Basel, Switzerland in 1973), but nearly all of the coins from those small groups were moderately to heavily bagmarked. Gems are really very rare, almost on par with gems of the 1914, 1915 and 1908 With Motto issues. Dr. Steven Duckor has a beautiful MS-65+ specimen as does a prominent Eastern collector. There are a few others at that level but I do not recall ever seeing one that would grade a full MS-67.
The 1912 is always very sharply struck, the most sharply struck of any of the Philadelphia Mint issues from 1907 to 1915. The lustre is generally very good to excellent. The surfaces are usually frosty with an occasional specimen having a slightly satiny texture. Color is always very good and is usually a rich yellow gold, sometimes with a light rose or orange tint. Top grade examples of the 1912 have more "eye appeal" than any of the other early Philadelphia Mint issues except the 1915.
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